Pricing Training For Solopreneurs 

Do you struggle with pricing in your business?

Want to make more profit but aren't sure how? 

If so, you're not alone.

Many solopreneurs face these challenges, but with the right guidance, you can transform your business finances and achieve your goals.

I help small business owners like you with their pricing to help them earn more and build the business they really want. 

From masterclasses, courses, toolkits, and coaching, I offer a range of services tailored to your needs.

Overwhelmed by your business numbers?

Do you have dreams for your business but aren't sure how to achieve them or get the numbers to add up? 

I want you to stop burying your head in the sand about your business numbers and gain confidence and clarity.

You are the CEO of your business, and if you don’t care about the numbers, no one else will. 

Hitting six figures is great, but if you’re spending it all every month, it’s not sustainable. And just because it happens once doesn’t mean it will happen again.

You don’t want to go back to the 9-5, but with so many things pulling you in different directions, the finances often get left behind. 

You might feel like you’re “terrible with money” or “bad at maths,” pushing you into a mindset of avoiding your numbers altogether.

You don't have the time to do your accounts, yet you worry about the money that is or isn't coming into your business. 

You want to be able to look forward and see when you can book that new course, hire extra staff, and secure the office space you want.

Check out my free tools and paid resources below. 

Freebies for Solopreneurs


Do you know how much you need to charge to be making money in your business, including paying yourself? Get my pricing calculator here to find out what you should be charging.



Other freebies include a tax year end checklist, whether you should be a sole trader or limited company and why all your small business money isn't yours to keep.



Check out the tools and resources I use and recommend in my business.


Masterclasses for Solopreneurs

Do you know how to package your products and services in your business? By the end of the class, you will know how to set up packages for your business.


Buy all my masterclasses as a bundle for a special price. Includes: Pricing packages, Pricing a power hour, Annual planning & 90 day goals, pricing for corporates and value based pricing.


Power Hour

Are you stuck on a pricing issue in your business?

Perhaps you're launching a new product/service and you're not sure what to charge.

Or maybe you want to raise your prices, but you're not sure how to approach it with your existing clients. 

It could be that you need expert guidance on a specific topic e.g. pricing your coaching/consultancy package, launching an affiliate programme or incentive scheme for your team.

Whatever the issue - if it relates to pricing (and making more profit in your business), I can help you get unstuck.  


Work With Me 1:1

Strategy Days

You’re consistently having £5k+ months in your online business but feel like you could be making more. It could be that you’ve already hit six figures, but you’re working 24/7 and your team costs are spiralling. You’d love to know how to generate more profit - so you can work fewer hours and pay yourself more.